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课程编号: AC240
课程名称: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
大类: SAP
小类: FI
课程级别: 3
标准天数: 5
亚可天数: 3


Unit 1: Basics

Concept and Special Functions in FI-CA

Event Technology

Parallel Mass Processes in FI-CA

Master Data Objects in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable

Unit 2: Documents

Life Cycle of Documents

Document Structures

Posting Documents

Integration with General Ledger Accounting

Integration with the New General Ledger (Segment Reporting) 95

Account Balance Display

Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination

Structure of Transactions

General Ledger Account Determination

Tax Determination

USA - Tax Jurisdiction Code (Only relevant for US training)

Unit 4: Incoming Payments

Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments

Payment Lots and Check Lots

Clarification Processing

Cash Desk/Cash Journal

Unit 5: Payment Run

Prerequisites of the Payment Run

Payment Program

Payment Cards

Check Management

Unit 6: Returns Processing

Configuration of Returns

Processing Returns

Unit 7: Clearing Control

Terminology and Definitions

Configuration of the Clearing Strategy

Unit 8: Dunning and Collections

Dunning - Terminology

Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Program

Collection Processing

Unit 9: Interest Calculation

Calculation of Interest on Items

Interest Keys and Calculation Rules

Processing of Interest Calculation

Unit 10: Deferral/Installment Plan

Deferral: Definition and Processing

Installment Plan: Definition and Processing

Unit 11: Other Business Transactions

Account Maintenance

Reversing Documents and Resetting Clearing

Document Transfer

Doubtful Entry/Individual Value Adjustment


Unit 12: Security Deposits

Cash and Non-Cash Security Deposits

Request, Payment and Settlement of Cash Security Deposits 461

Unit 13: Correspondence

Definition and Types

Handling and Customizing

The Print Workbench

Unit 14: Further Integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable in SAP Modules

Overview of the Integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable

Financial Customer Care

Cash Management

Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and SD Integration

Credit Management

Unit 15: Appendix: Additional Material

Clearing Control ? Special Cases

Funds Management

Outbound Interface

Business Intelligence

课程金额: 6,000元
注: 亚可课程报名人数达2人即可开课,请速报名登记,多谢!

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