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课程编号: AC212
课程名称: Migration to the New General Ledger
大类: SAP
小类: FI
课程级别: 3
标准天数: 5
亚可天数: 3


Unit 1: New G/L – Overview of the Main Functions and Experiences of Customers Involved in Migration Projects

New G/L – Overview of the Main Functions

Customer Experiences with Migration to New General Ledger Accounting

Unit 2: The Migration Subproject – Basics

The Migration Subproject – Basics

Unit 3: How Might a New G/L Project Proceed?

How Might a New G/L Project Proceed?

Unit 4: SAP General Ledger Migration Service and Standard Migration Scenarios

SAP General Ledger Migration Service and Standard Migration Scenarios

Unit 5: (New G/L) System Configuration for a Migration with Migration Scenario 2

Configuring New General Ledger Accounting (Based on Migration Scenario 2)

Unit 6: Working with/in the Migration Cockpit

Working with/in the Migration Cockpit

Unit 7: Migration Based on Migration Scenario 2

Setup and Checkup Phase

Preparation Phase

Migration, Validation, and Activation Phase

Unit 8: Migration Based on Migration Scenario 3

The Initial Cockpit Phases and Validation of Document Splitting(with Migration Scenario 3)

Migration, Validation, and Activation Phase – Migration Scenario 3

Unit 9: Migration Based on Migration Scenario 5

The Accounts Approach Versus the Ledger Approach (in New General Ledger Accounting)

New G/L Configuration and FI-AA

Working in the Migration Cockpit in a Migration with Migration Scenario 5

Appendix 1: New G/L Migration and Industries


课程金额: 6,000元
注: 亚可课程报名人数达2人即可开课,请速报名登记,多谢!

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